Subcription program
Up to 25% Return Rate
Advertise in your city
with local drivers!
$333 to start, first month "FREE"
$99 a month subscription, after the first month.
An additional fee of $50, per graphic design magnet.
If only purchasing the Graphic Design Magnet without subscription: $299.
Here at Business Marketing Solutions, we provide an easily affordable way to market every day to your local customers. We have a wonderful system of highly trusted contractors at our disposal, all throughout South Florida, Palm Beach County, Broward County, and Miami-Dade County.
Local Magnet advertising is one of the greatest ways to get real local engagement and leads
•Custom Graphic Design
Our marketing and graphic designing team works together in creating an eye grasping advertisement design, to attract your ideal interested customer. Businesses have reached up to 25% return rate or more with uniquely designed advertisement magnet posters.
Our prints are 100% the highest quality magnet prints.
•Drive & Advertise
Our local contractors are highly trusted. We have implemented a system to guarantee
daily advertising drives for your business.